A stay at the Al Maha Resort includes two activities each day. During our stay, there were seven complementary activities from which to choose.
- Falconry
- Nature Walk
- Ghaf Tree Walk
- Wild Life Drive
- Camel Trek
- Sundowners
- Archery
Below is a handout that guests will receive upon arrival. We requested the document ahead of time in order to plan our activities.

As you can see, Horse Riding and Desert Drive are also available for an extra charge.
We picked archery for one of our activities. We meet our field guide, Shabaz at the Hotel Lobby and he took us in an SUV to the archery range.

Our guide helped us put on the gear and gave us some pointers. If it’s your first time trying archery, don’t worry, your guide will provide the help that’s needed,

After a short lesson, we were turned loose to fire at will.

Many arrows missed the target and landed in the sand. Here are a few that hit!

Al Maha keeps a scoreboard. These records were clearly not in danger of being broken by our attempts.

After archery, we driven by SUV back to the hotel lobby.
In Ending
Activities are a fun part of the stay at Al Maha, and we would recommend archery during your stay at the Al Maha.

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